Outreach Initiative that Builds Belonging

Grace City Church's Saturday Serve is a shining example of how a well-executed outreach initiative, supported by effective communication strategies, can ignite a spark within a church and help build a strong sense of community as hundreds of volunteers show up to participate. If you’re looking to sustain momentum and enthusiasm from the beginning of the year into the Spring, find inspiration in Grace City's approach, adapting it to your own unique context and resources!

Each month, Grace City hosts “Saturday Serve," an event that not only engages regular attenders but also welcomes guests, providing them with hands-on opportunities to make a significant impact in their local community. This event also includes projects suitable for children. This inclusive approach allows families to serve together to help establish a sense of belonging and purpose among all age groups.

As one churchgoer shares, “This is our favorite day of the month! It's really awesome [there are] projects for the littles, too. It's helpful to me, and I'm able to help teach them. Awesome all around!”

Serving has not only strengthened bonds within their walls, but has also demonstrated the power of faith in action. A staff member shared with us, "We are so amazed at what God does through our Saturday Serves! I truly believe it is through this ministry that our church has gained a very positive reputation in our community."

Our Communication Squad plays a crucial role in promoting Serve Saturday, creating a communications plan and crafting compelling copy for social media posts, newsletters, and their church app. Providing an engaging and fun approach to showcase the event makes serving sound exciting and appealing, with photos of smiling volunteers and heartfelt captions that encourage people to sign up and participate.

Grace City Church excels at capturing their Saturday Serve events through high-quality photographs. Rather than relying solely on static graphics, the use of candid photographs allows people to witness the genuine impact of their efforts and and joy people experience through serving.

Our Communication Squad coaches Grace City to leverage these high-quality, candid photographs from events to create a powerful, authentic story that resonates with their church. By showcasing real-life examples of people actively engaged in community outreach projects, it creates an natural invitation to others to join in the initiative and witness the genuine impact of their efforts.

Social captions can highlight the diverse range of projects available, making it easy for members to find a way to contribute that aligns with their interests and skills. Consistently promoting the initiative in weekly newsletters, app notification pushes, and social media to showcase its success creates a sense of anticipation and excitement around each serve event.

Grace City Church's Saturday Serve initiative exemplifies how a well-executed community outreach program, bolstered by compelling communication strategies, can reignite passion and purpose within a congregation. By providing meaningful opportunities for both regular attenders and new guests to serve alongside one another, Grace City fosters a sense of belonging and creates a welcoming environment that encourages ongoing participation and spiritual growth.

Looking for help building and executing your communication plans? The Communication Squad is here for you.


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