Joining TheSquad is worth it, but see for yourself!

Use the calculator below to find out how much a membership with us will save your church time and money.

TheSquad Savings Calculator

30 hours

Current monthly cost: $0
TheSquad monthly cost: $0

But we still have quesitons…

You might save us money, but what will our media staff do if we join?

Your media team is passionate about what they do, and we're here to help them shine even brighter. By partnering with us, your staff can focus on what they love most—dreaming up fresh ideas, capturing amazing content, and connecting with your community in meaningful ways.

We'll take care of the nitty-gritty design and editing work. Think of us as your trusty sidekicks, supporting your staff’s media heroes!

Will TheSquad create with our church’s style in mind?

No worries, we've got you covered. We’re made up of over 70 creatives who have all worked on staff at churches just like yours. We totally get the importance of maintaining a consistent look and feel across all your media.

We take the time to really understand your church's unique style and preferences. Then, we match you with the right designers to create custom media that honors your existing branding.

We’re interested in joining! How does a membership work?

It's easier than finding a volunteer for the nursery! Just pick the plan that fits your church's needs and you’ll get 14 days free or 3 projects, whichever comes first. After putting TheSquad to the test (and falling in love with us), your first payment will go through.

The best part? No long-term contracts, so you can enjoy top-notch media support without any strings attached.

Ready to Get Started?

We can’t wait to serve your church! To make that happen, please fill out the form below to start your free trial today! You will hear from one of our Squad Members soon.